Jun 4, 2015









  • 日本の運転免許証
  • 国際運転免許証
  • 支払い方法(いずれか)
    • クレジットカード
    • 銀行口座(居住国に応じたものを用意)







Jun 3, 2015

backup photos in google android


  • backup HDD
  • delete device only
    • if possible, I should delete the only older ones than half year ago


backup HDD ( ubuntu )

delete device only

According to the below link, I can do it on Adroid

if possible, I should delete the only older ones than half year ago

It is partly possible. If I operate by manual, I can do it :) Or if I can experiment it, it's done by script… but it's too much.

May 1, 2015

data.frame initialization

If p is not initialized, I need to write down `if` in `for`. And here is good indication : - Create an Empty Data.Frame - Stack Overflow

rbind rownames trouble

after calling rbind, not to forget rownames data.frame - rbind in R gives a weird rowname - Stack Overflow

Apr 21, 2015



家を探してこちらに応募してくる方の話を聞いていると、被害はなくても詐欺に遭遇していることが多いようです。 詐欺の一例なんぞを書いておきます。

immobilienscout24での例。 このメールが来たら要注意。


I just read your e-mail to my apartment.
I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies, but now she's back home permanently, so I'm renting it out.

The location is Torstraße 193, 10115 Berlin, Mitte.

We no longer use the space, so you can even rent for a long term.
The apartment is fully furnished and renovated, as you could see in the photos.
You can find my furniture, or you can also make your own if you prefer.
If you decide you, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar.
The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, TV, etc. equipped
Also very important, the utilities (water, electricity, internet, digital TV,) are included in the rent of 350 €.
The caution € 700 and you get it back when you will move out (I have a period of 30 days will have).
Well, a little about me: I am 52 years old architect from London.
I'm a pet owner myself, so I will not have any problems if you keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged want.
Unfortunately, my work did not allow me to do any traveling for the next few months, so I do not get into the situation and meet you in person for a while.
However, this will not affect the rental at all. I can make arrangements to a real estate agency handle everything for me.
I want to know how many people you want to share the flat with, and for how long. All other details about yourself would be appreciated.
So I think that it is now, I hope I have not forgotten anything.

PHOTO: http://s325.photobucket.com/user/foorrrennnt/slideshow/

Friendly greetings from the UK!

Andrew Tyas

ここにより詳細な現場レポートがあるので、ご参照あれ。Google Translateを忘れずに。


  • 地価がはずれ値(該当地域の平均値から極端に離れている)は避ける
  • 送金は鍵の受け取り&鍵でドアが空く確認までしてから
  • 怪しいと思ったらググる

Jan 1, 2015


  • 1-4 転職
    • 転職の話が出たので、仕事、行政手続きなどで現実的か調べ始める
    • ビザ取得など出国準備&会社への報告
    • 退職手続き開始、行政手続き開始
    • 国内で受けていたお仕事、お手伝いの片付け
  • 5-6 ベルリン到着。
    • 生活開始。住民登録、健康保険、銀行口座手続き。
    • ビザ取得完了。
    • 住居取得を開始するもベルリンの洗礼を受ける。
    • 盗難にあう。翌週に住居決まる。
  • 7-9 ベルリン生活に馴染む。
    • 現地の日本人のものを譲り受けるものの、連絡が雑すぎて我が身を振り返る。
    • 新居引っ越したものの、何もなかったので部屋を作り始める。
  • 10-12 仕事に馴染む
    • commit数頑張って増やした
    • 全体がつかめてきた
    • まともに(精神的に圧迫されないで)英語が話せるようになってきた
    • ドイツ語勉強し始めた
    • 消火役になったもののタスクが増える日々